How a Celebrated Move Hurled One Disc Jockey Into Unseen Territory

How a Celebrated Move Hurled One Disc Jockey Into Unseen Territory

April 2018

With more than 17 years of experience in the disc jockey business, Todd Moore was considered one of the most well-rounded DJs in the area. He got his start at the age of 16, working small parties and events with a local mobile business. Within a few short years, he went on to start his own company, offering DJ and emcee services.

Through the years, Todd’s abilities were always in high demand. There wasn’t a crowd he couldn’t wow or a roof he couldn’t raise. But he felt it was his MC designation that gave him the real edge. In fact, that’s how he landed the Browns’ bar mitzvah party. They found him listed in an online directory and, in the end, chose him because of his credentials.

The Funky Chicken Fiasco
While working the bar mitzvah, Todd went onto the floor with the guests to demonstrate the celebratory funky chicken dance. It was his favorite dance to perform so he cranked up the music and turned on the laser lights. As he was flapping his arms, his elbow accidentally hit a guest in the eye. To make matters worse, the guest had previously injured the eye in a car accident and was still recovering.

Despite receiving immediate medical attention, the guest was left completely blind in one eye, with no chance of recovery, after the blow from Todd’s elbow. Todd felt terrible and even more so as he realized the financial ramifications of his error.

The guest sued Todd for damages in the amount of $1 million. He’d never been sued before and was shocked to discover that the legal defense cost $350 an hour! Worse yet, the case went on for six long years, involving eight excruciating depositions. By the end, Todd had a stomach ulcer from all the stress. Even with his $150,000 legal defense, Todd was found liable. The carrier paid $750,000 in damages on his company’s behalf.

Industry-Tailored Protection
Todd learned about the importance of DJ-tailored insurance firsthand. If he hadn’t secured the correct coverage the claim would have wiped out his business and possibly his personal assets too!

Fortunately, Todd protected his interests with the DJ/KJ/VJ insurance program exclusively available through R.V. Nuccio and Associates. Need coverage for your business? The DJ/KJ/VJ insurance program provides everything you need in one convenient place: General Liability, Property/Equipment, and Employee Crime insurance. Underwritten by Fireman’s Fund, one of the largest, most respected carriers in the country, this tailored package provides specialized “A” rated protection. Endorsed by the ADJA, R.V. Nuccio and Associates is the only online nationwide insurance source for DJs, offering the most customized protection at the most competitive rates.

If you’d like to learn more about the DJ/KJ/VJ insurance program, view our DJ program today … before a rogue elbow impacts your income!

Note: This case study is based on real claims scenarios. However, the story has been fictionalized to protect the privacy of those involved.

© Copyright 2011. All rights reserved. R.V. Nuccio & Associates, Inc.

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